Analytics & Ads

Get the big picture, identify the winning trends and get revenue from your traffic.

Statistics & Dashboard+

  • Traffic

    Analyze the number of launches, unique sessions and page views.

  • Period filtering

    Analyze the statistics within a customized time frame.

  • Platform filtering


    Analyze the statistics per platform.

  • Unlimited history

    There is no time limitation to the safekeeping of the statistics of your app.

  • Downloads


    Analyze your number of app downloads, on a daily or weekly basis, or from the first publication date in the stores.

  • Session time

    Analyze the amount of time your users spend in your app.

  • OS versions and device models

    Content appsNative

    Analyze the operating system versions and device models used to visit your app.

  • Geolocalized

    Content apps

    Analyze where your users come from: country, town, language.

  • Export

    Export your app statistics in .csv format for additional analysis with another tool.

  • Total sales

    eCommerce apps

    Instantly view the sales generated by your store. You have a direct view of sales on all sales channels. And a comparison with the previous period.

  • Publication status of my app

    Check the publication status of your app at a glance. This will help you to know what actions to take.

  • Number of sales

    eCommerce apps

    Track the number of sales over the period. And compare immediately the progress against the previous period.

  • Conversation rate

    eCommerce apps

    Adjust your marketing and store settings based on your conversion rate. The conversion rate measures sales that have been made vs. sales that have not been completed. This rate is compared to the previous period to measure your progress.

  • Other sales statistics

    eCommerce apps

    Get several key indicators about your shop: conversion funnel, addition to the cart, checkout process, sales completion. These indicators are presented in relation to the previous period to mesure the performance of your shop.

  • Top sellers

    eCommerce apps

    Keep an eye on your store's best sellers. This will allow you to monitor the status of stocks. And any marketing actions to be carried out.

  • Sales by device

    eCommerce apps

    Identify the types of devices your customers use to make their purchases. A valuable information to eventually add a new sales channel liked by your customers.

External statistics+

  • Google Analytics


    You may use Google Analytics to get additional statistics regarding the usage of your app.

  • Firebase analytics SDK


    An advanced integration of Firebase Analytics that gives you access to precise information regarding the use of your app.

  • Flurry Analytics


    You may use Flurry Analytics to get additional statistics regarding the use of your app.



    You may use to get additional statistics regarding the use of your app.

  • Facebook App Events

    You may use Facebook App Events to get additional statistics regarding the usage of your app.


  • Internal ad server

    Use the GoodBarber ad server to circulate advertisements within your app.

  • Campaigns management

    Create and manage advertising campaigns to display interstitials or banners within your app.

  • Display rules

    For each campaign, determine the display constraints for the ads: the number of impressions, number of clicks, time period.

  • Adaptative formats

    The format of the ads is adapted to the screen size of the device on which it is displayed to ensure optimal display.

  • Interstitial advertisements

    Display interstitial advertisements when opening the app or while viewing the content.

  • Banners

    Display advertisements in banner format throughout all the pages of your app.

  • Display turnover

    The display turnover of advertisements within a campaign is managed automatically.

  • Statistics

    Analyze the performance of your campaigns through detailed statistics.

In-App purchases+

  • Auto-renewal subscriptions

    Generate revenues and build a loyal user base with recurring subscriptions

  • Content restriction

    Key features to optimize the restricted content. With the Preview option give your users a glimpse of the restricted content. Use the Premium Sticker to attract users like the major subscription based apps.

  • Subscriptions configuration

    Create your subscriptions to fit your needs: weekly, monthly or yearly, set your own price and introductory offers.

  • Free trial

    For each of the subscriptions, associate a specific trial period. This is a period during which the user has access to the premium content authorized by the chosen subscription, without being charged.

  • Subscribers management:

    A new menu to organize your subscribers according to their subscriptions status (active or expired) and your users (non-subscribers). Click on any of them to access detailed information (email, subscription history etc)

  • Email customization

    Customize each email sent out to your subscribers.

  • Additional options

    Offer other benefits to your subscribers in addition to your exclusive content. You can select to disable ads for your subscribers and let them enjoy ads-free content

External ad networks+

  • Ad networks


    3 ad networks can be enabled for your app: adMob, Google AdManager and Facebook.

  • Ad networks


    2 ad networks can be enabled for your app: AdSense and Google Ad Manager

  • Effortless management

    You just have to set a few parameters to start monetizing your app.

  • Integrated SDK


    The external ad networks SDK are already integrated. They are regularly updated.

  • Platform specific settings

    Each platform is different from the next, it is therefore possible to fill out the advertising tags associated with each platform.

  • Prioritizing campaigns

    If several campaigns are set up you may determine a priority order in order to maximize advertising space usage within your app.

  • Platform prioritization

    The campaigns display priority rules that can be defined according to each platform (iOS, Android, web).

  • Admob mediation

    Admob Mediation allows you to display ads from other ads networks and manage them all from one place. Everything is centralised: all your stats in one platform, target settings management, multiples sources to fill in your ad container. Connect your Facebook Ad account to your Admob account and let the Admob technology manage the ads to be displayed and offer a better user experience thanks to higher standard imposed on advertisers, limiting chances of scam ads.