How to Startup and Set an App Reseller Account - App Reseller Business (part 1)


Today's video tutorial is dedicated to a very special group of users: App Resellers.
The App Reseller Program  is dedicated to those people who want start and run a business creating and selling apps to customers.
This is the first video in a series dedicated to App Reseller Business.

Here, the suite: 

Video 2 - White Label
Video 3 - Managing your Apps
Video 4 - Client access to the back office

How to Startup and Set an App Reseller Account ?

In this first part, we will start by creating a Reseller account and then look at the billing system. 

To do so, go to the GoodBarber portal in the Reseller tab and click on "Become a Reseller". Fill out the form and click on the "Become a Reseller" button. 

Don't worry, you won't be asked for a credit card or to validate a payment. The 30-day trial is completely free. 

Once you've finished, you'll be taken to the Reseller Dashboard where you can manage your white label set up, your invoices, your team members, and the list of your applications. 
The Reseller Dashboard is a tool to manage all the apps linked to your agency (your Reseller Account) in a single place and to set many other options of your reseller account.

In the menu, you can see all the invoices already paid. You can filter your invoices according to different criteria or download them in PDF. If you have outstanding orders you will see them in the "Pending Invoices" tab. From here you can choose to pay your invoice by clicking the "Pay" button and you will be redirected to your Alpha application for the payment process.  

Alpha App: The primary purpose of the Alpha project is to bill your Reseller account. Your Reseller account subscription is linked to the alpha project. Paid options or add-ons purchased on other apps in your Reseller account are billed in the alpha project. This app cannot be sold to clients or even published. It will never be white-labeled either. 

In the next tutorial, we will show you how to use the "White Label" feature and how to manage your team. 

List of other tutorials: